Two sizes of letterpress printed posters from the same lino-cuts, with the upcoming program of Tunnel, a club in Glarus, Switzerland. The smaller posters (35×50cm) are sections from the larger formats (70×100cm).
The letters T-U-N-N-E-L have been created by casting and letterpress proofing 144pt Ludlow mats of Karnak Bold Condensed. This is a rare face in this size and I definitely wanted to use it. With the scans of these letters, I produced scaled up, hand-cut, movable linocut letters that could then be printed on the large posters. Since freshly cut letters are individual movable sorts, the letters have been printed line by line with a split fountain, and moved down continuously. Watch the video!
The small event information has been cast from Ludlow Condensed Gothic No. 2 mats and printed from the cast hot-metal slugs.