Olivier Lebrun/Centre Pompidou. License: All Rights Reserved.
Bibliothèque Kandinsky’s Summer University is a cultural programme organised by the Centre Pompidou in Paris. It is built around the source material of modern and contemporary art: archives, written documentation, photographs, films, etc. It gathers young researchers, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, critics, curators, who work together on this material. The Summer University includes writing workshops and archive visits. The result of this research is gathered into a journal, which each year is produced by a different designer.
Some of the letters on the cover have custom fills. For example, the C depicts a detail from the logo of the Centre Pompidou, which in turn is based on its iconic façade.
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Some of the letters on the cover have custom fills. For example, the C depicts a detail from the logo of the Centre Pompidou, which in turn is based on its iconic façade.
The A shows the original LL Biff as drawn by Jonas Williamsson in 1999. “L’ÉTÉ” at the bottom features the two new styles that Anatole Couteau added to the revised version in 2022: L is in the Outline style, with the rest coming from LL Biff Astral. This pictorial style pays homage to Michel Jarland’s Astral from the 1970s: