An independent archive of typography.

Barrio (Bairro) Berlin

Contributed by Huerta Tipográfica on Nov 1st, 2024. Artwork published in
October 2024
Barrio (Bairro) Berlin 1
License: All Rights Reserved.

Barrio (Bairro) Berlin was a Latin American literature festival held in October 2024. Barrio is the certainty that Berlin is just another neighborhood of Latin America; it’s the reorganization of Berlin into Latin American neighborhoods. The catalog brings texts from literature, poetry, illustrations, and type from Latin American to this city that welcomes them. It opens the door to thinking about other structures (the jacket, the cover, the index, editorial text, title page, manifesto, frontispiece, body text, impressum, save page, back cover), other languages where there are no languages (in plural), but rather an immense desire to communicate. The boundary between languages dissolves because other codes and agreements emerge from this coexistence.

23×30cm, 100 pages, 3 languages.


Barrio (Bairro) Berlin fue un festival de literatura latinoamericana celebrado en octubre 2024. Barrio es la certeza de que Berlin es un barrio más de latinoamérica, es la reorganización de Berlín en barrios latinoamericanos. El catálogo trae textos de autores, ilustraciones y tipografías latinas a esta ciudad que lo recibe. Se abre la puerta para pensar otros órdenes ( la sobrecubierta, la cubierta, el índice, texti edutirial, portadilla, manifiesto, title page, tripa, impressum, hinteres Vorsatzblatt, contratapa), otras formas, otros idiomas donde no hay idiomas (en plural), sino un deseo inmenso de comunicarnos, la frontera entre las lenguas se pierden porque otros códigos y acuerdos surgen de esta convivencia.

23×30cm, 100 pag, 3 idiomas.

Barrio (Bairro) Berlin 2
License: All Rights Reserved.
Barrio (Bairro) Berlin 3
License: All Rights Reserved.
Barrio (Bairro) Berlin 4
License: All Rights Reserved.
Barrio (Bairro) Berlin 5
License: All Rights Reserved.
Barrio (Bairro) Berlin 6
License: All Rights Reserved.
Barrio (Bairro) Berlin 7
License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Cira Serif
  • Cira Sans
  • Puffling
  • ABC Favorit




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