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Ko Sliggers

Ko has posted 3 Uses.
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Ko Sliggers started his professional career in 1978 as an intern and from 1979 as a designer at Studio Dumbar, where he became a key figure (Rick Poynor; Design without boundaries: visual communication in transition, 1998), he contributed at the identity of PTT (Dutch Post), the ANWB (Dutch Touring Club), the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and Studio Dumbars’ own identity, still in use today. He left the studio in 1981 and worked as an independent graphic-, exhibition- and type designer in the cultural field. Between 1985-1986 he worked close togheter with Jan van Toorn on the permanent exhibition Delta Expo. Ko designed leaders and stationcalls for the dutch television and became a professional chef in the Netherlands, Italy and in France (1991-1995, 2008-2011).

Switching More…

Ko Sliggers started his professional career in 1978 as an intern and from 1979 as a designer at Studio Dumbar, where he became a key figure (Rick Poynor; Design without boundaries: visual communication in transition, 1998), he contributed at the identity of PTT (Dutch Post), the ANWB (Dutch Touring Club), the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and Studio Dumbars’ own identity, still in use today. He left the studio in 1981 and worked as an independent graphic-, exhibition- and type designer in the cultural field. Between 1985-1986 he worked close togheter with Jan van Toorn on the permanent exhibition Delta Expo. Ko designed leaders and stationcalls for the dutch television and became a professional chef in the Netherlands, Italy and in France (1991-1995, 2008-2011).

Switching back from food to design he became creative director at Studio Anthon Beeke from 1996. In 2002 he created his foundry Dutchfonts where he develops and sells his typefaces.

Although he was trained by Chris Brand at the St.Joost Academy in Breda, Sliggers is not part of the Dutch tradition of literary, historically inspired type design. His fonts are partially based on, and inspired by found, vernacular letterforms giving his typography an unmistakably identity.

Before moving to Italy in 2008 his design archive was revealed by Nago (Nederlands Archief Grafisch Ontwerpers) and it is conserved at the bijzondere collecties, library of the University of Amsterdam.

Ko wrote a Slow Food cookbook about his experience of raising and transforming pigs at home: Sus Domesticus, het varken op tafel. In his second book, Koken tussen vulkanen, (cooking between vulcanoes) he writes about his experience as a chef in Sicily; in 2014 the book was selected as the best cookbook of the year in the Netherlands and was part of the selection best book design 2014.

Uses contributed by Ko Sliggers