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Camilo Gonzalez

Camilo has posted 1 Use.

Horror Vacui is a multidisciplinary studio based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We provide art direction, graphic design, interiors and environments from concept through to creation. Offering a full creative direction and interior design service.

Our team collaborates with clients who seek alternative ways of developing wether it’s their branding or their interiors. Its distinctive approach disregards convention in favour of something altogether more brave, joyous and impulsive. Specializing in brand expression and communication within fashion, beauty, art, design and luxury.

The members of Horror More…

Horror Vacui is a multidisciplinary studio based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We provide art direction, graphic design, interiors and environments from concept through to creation. Offering a full creative direction and interior design service.

Our team collaborates with clients who seek alternative ways of developing wether it’s their branding or their interiors. Its distinctive approach disregards convention in favour of something altogether more brave, joyous and impulsive. Specializing in brand expression and communication within fashion, beauty, art, design and luxury.

The members of Horror Vacui are able to draw on a wide range of talents and diverse backgrounds, including fine art, history of art, architecture and interior design.

Uses contributed by Camilo Gonzalez