Registered in 1895. [Deutscher
Reichsanzeiger] Issued by Krebs in 12 styles;
Renata I (before 1903) with Kursiv and halbfett
(before 1898), Renata II (before 1903) with Kursiv and
halbfett, Renata III Kursiv, Renata
kräftig (before 1907), fett (1909), Kursiv schmalfett,
schmalhalbfett (before 1907), Zierschrift (before 1907). Also cast
by Lehmann and Poppelbaum. Poppelbaum additionally had the open
Renata I licht (before 1902). [Reichardt
2011] Renata I is distinguished from Renata
II by round shoulders. Renata with Kursiv and
halbfett was also available in a Cyrillic version. This triple in
both Latin and Cyrillic was adopted for the Linotype. [Wetzig
Not to be confused with More…
Registered in 1895. [Deutscher Reichsanzeiger] Issued by Krebs in 12 styles; Renata I (before 1903) with Kursiv and halbfett (before 1898), Renata II (before 1903) with Kursiv and halbfett, Renata III Kursiv, Renata kräftig (before 1907), fett (1909), Kursiv schmalfett, schmalhalbfett (before 1907), Zierschrift (before 1907). Also cast by Lehmann and Poppelbaum. Poppelbaum additionally had the open Renata I licht (before 1902). [Reichardt 2011] Renata I is distinguished from Renata II by round shoulders. Renata with Kursiv and halbfett was also available in a Cyrillic version. This triple in both Latin and Cyrillic was adopted for the Linotype. [Wetzig 1926]
Not to be confused with Renata, a Schwabacher by Flinsch/Bauer.