A series of patterns based on the Lomographic picture ratio
(3:2), in 4 fonts with 65 glyphs each.
LomoFonts series was designed in 1999 by Fidel Peugeot (RGB
107,6-International) for the visual identity of the Lomographic
Society International (now Lomography AG). It spans 5
subfamilies; LomoWall (53 fonts), LomoWeb
(8), LomoSamples (4), LomoCopy (18), and
LomoAS (i.e. ActionSampler;
50 fonts). In 2001, all 133 styles were made available as
shareware, i.e. free for non-commercial products/private use.
In 2003, a set of 37 styles was released commercially in the
LinotypeLibrary; now spanning LomoWall (14),
LomoWeb (10; adding
LomoWebPixel9 More…
A series of patterns based on the Lomographic picture ratio (3:2), in 4 fonts with 65 glyphs each.
The LomoFonts series was designed in 1999 by Fidel Peugeot (RGB 107,6-International) for the visual identity of the Lomographic Society International (now Lomography AG). It spans 5 subfamilies; LomoWall (53 fonts), LomoWeb (8), LomoSamples (4), LomoCopy (18), and LomoAS (i.e. ActionSampler; 50 fonts). In 2001, all 133 styles were made available as shareware, i.e. free for non-commercial products/private use.
In 2003, a set of 37 styles was released commercially in the LinotypeLibrary; now spanning LomoWall (14), LomoWeb (10; adding LomoWebPixel9 and LomoWebStrip9), LomoSamples (4), and LomoCopy (9).