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Poster Letterpress Guild of New England

Contributed by Indra Kupferschmid on Mar 29th, 2012. Artwork published in .
Poster Letterpress Guild of New England
Source: Interrrobang Press. License: All Rights Reserved.

Call for entries for the Poster and Broadside exhibition of the Letterpress Guild of New England. Designed and printed by Michael Babcock, Interrobang Letterpress Boston, using Ludwig & Mayer’s Permanent Headline in sizes from 72 to 20 pt. Note the shortened descenders whereby the caps can fill the entire body.

Babcock: “When URW digitized the face, they didn’t account for that fact. And so “72pt” digital is around 30pt smaller than 72pt metal. Completely screwed up my digital layout until I accounted for, and adjusted for that reality.”




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2 Comments on “Poster Letterpress Guild of New England”

  1. just ran across this. thank you Indra.

    it’s an interesting face isn’t it?


  2. Yah, one of my all time favourites, the whole family.

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