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Charlie Mom, New York City

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Aug 5th, 2016. Artwork published in
circa 1983
Charlie Mom, New York City 1
Source: Dan Rhatigan. License: All Rights Reserved.

Charlie Mom Chinese Cuisine has been in the Village (464 Ave of the Americas) since 1983, according to Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York. It had to close its doors in August 2015. At least (most of) the letters from the restaurant’s sign could be saved. The swashy letters that are derived from the uncialish Manuscript Capitals (1972) were acquired by New York type designer and Letraset enthusiast Dan Rhatigan, “courtesy of Jesse Ragan”.

These letters were salvaged a few years ago, and replaced by a newer but identical sign that’s (still) up now, see the picture above.
Dan Rhatigan. License: All Rights Reserved.

These letters were salvaged a few years ago, and replaced by a newer but identical sign that’s (still) up now, see the picture above.

Charlie Mom, New York City 3
Source: Dan Rhatigan. License: All Rights Reserved.



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