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Deutsche Welle 1993 calendar

Contributed by Felix Nic on Jan 10th, 2017. Artwork published in .
Deutsche Welle 1993 calendar 1
Photo: Felix Nic. License: All Rights Reserved.

Calendar postcards by Germany’s public international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, published on the occasion of their 40th anniversary in 1993. The calendar uses ITC Eras. The Deutsche Welle logo is the short-lived version used from 1992 to 1995, with letterforms based on Clearface Gothic.

Deutsche Welle 1993 calendar 2
Photo: Felix Nic. Deutsche Welle. License: All Rights Reserved.

2 Comments on “Deutsche Welle 1993 calendar”

  1. Fun find! The basis for the bilinear “40 Jahre” is probably Stilus from Mecanorma. The ‘4’, ‘a’, and ‘h’ aren’t matches, but the rest of the letters fit, including the wavy ‘r’.

  2. And Eras isn’t slanted here, either.

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