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Félicia Atkinson — A Readymade Ceremony

Contributed by Love Lagerkvist on May 24th, 2017. Artwork published in .
Félicia Atkinson — A Readymade Ceremony 1
Source: Shelter Press. License: All Rights Reserved.

Shelter Press:

A readymade as the migration of one thing to another one’s context, involving a change of status, of genre, of politics. A ceremony as a possible gathering, a community shared moment, a happening, a celebration, a protest.

The first foundation of A Readymade Ceremony is the text, spread along the 5 tracks building the record. The text is a collage of extracts of Improvising Sculpture as Delayed Fictions (Félicia Atkinson, 2014), Recherche de la Base et du Sommet (René Char, 1955), and Madame Edwarda (Georges Bataille, 1937), and some random texts lying around while Atkinson was playing, mostly picked in the italian magazine Mousse.

Félicia Atkinson — A Readymade Ceremony 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




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