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Blade Runner title sequence (Workprint and Theatrical versions)

Contributed by Toshi Omagari on Nov 5th, 2017. Artwork published in
June 1982
    Workprint Opening title.
    Warner Bros. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Workprint Opening title.

    Blade Runner enjoyed multiple editions starting even before the release. Seven major edits are known to the public today, including Workprint (pre-theatrical), US-theatrical, International-theatrical, Director’s Cut, and Final Cut which are available. In terms of changes in typography, the Workprint and the theatrical cuts are the main focus.

    In the Workprint, the title starts with Impact, followed by a pseudo-dictionary definition of replicant set in Helvetica and Goudy. The rest of the title is set in Goudy, including the ending credit.

    In the theatrical release, together with the addition of Harrison Ford’s narration and the “happy ending”, the type choice was unified, now only using Goudy. A common misunderstanding among those who have not seen Blade Runner is that it is an action film, and the use of large Impact does seem to suggest the tone that way, which feels misleading. With the thorough use of Goudy, the audience’s expectation is set better. The typography remains the same thereafter.

    Workprint Opening title.
    Warner Bros. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Workprint Opening title.

    Workprint Opening title.
    Warner Bros. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Workprint Opening title.

    Theatrical Cut opening title.
    Warner Bros. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Theatrical Cut opening title.

    Theatrical Cut opening title.
    Warner Bros. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Theatrical Cut opening title.

    Theatrical Cut opening title.
    Warner Bros. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Theatrical Cut opening title.


    • Goudy Oldstyle
    • Impact
    • Helvetica




    Artwork location

    In Sets

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