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John Smith logo

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Dec 3rd, 2017. Artwork published in
circa 1975
Undated sticker, c. mid-1970s?
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Logo Loco and tagged with “mottertektura”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Undated sticker, c. mid-1970s?

John Smith is a Spanish foot and sports wear brand established in 1970. Their logo started out with off-the-shelf Motter Tektura (apart from the belted ‘O’). Over the years, it was revised several times. The descender in ‘H’ was clipped, the bridge closed, and the letterforms slanted, among other things. In the current version, there are still traces of Motter DNA left, in the unicase ‘M’ and ‘N’ and especially the “crane hook” ‘S’. The latter can also be found in another iconic 1970s typeface, Novarese’s Stop.

Logo evolution, with versions hosted by Brands of the World (updated 2004, 2013) and the current one (2017, bottom) from
License: All Rights Reserved.

Logo evolution, with versions hosted by Brands of the World (updated 2004, 2013) and the current one (2017, bottom) from

John Smith logo 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




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