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The New Improved American (Delta edition)

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Nov 15th, 2017. Artwork published in .
The New Improved American (Delta edition)
Source: image: jell-o biafra says. License: All Rights Reserved.

A very computeristic typeface for a book about automation. This is the same version of Gemini Computer or predecessor used for Pubblicità in Italia, 1964–1965. Among other differences from later versions are the ‘H’, ‘M’, ‘W’.

2 Comments on “The New Improved American (Delta edition)”

  1. I actually like this version best!

  2. Is it confirmed that this cover is from 1965? Abebooks shows a different cover for the first edition by McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1965.

    Franco Grignani claims that the alphabetic extension of the MICR style that he drew in 1964 (and used in his work in 1965) was picked up for photocomposition in the US only in 1966.

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