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Vielförmig — zines about diversity

Contributed by Sandra Rothenberg on Nov 19th, 2017. Artwork published in
October 2017
Vielförmig — zines about diversity 1
Source: Jören Zimmermann. License: All Rights Reserved.

“Vielförmig” is the name of the bachelor’s thesis and a collection of zines from Sandra Rothenberg. It discusses the varieties and diversity of the society we live in.

Although there has been a number of positive advances and changes in the last years in the various areas of equality and approaches to sexism, it is not without reason that a ‘backlash’ is being discussed and many topics are being regarded from only a very narrow point of view. Gender equality and self-empowerment are being talked about and met with thunderous applause; but why remain challenging topics like intersectionality and inclusion only on the forefront of the minds of those primarily impacted?
How are the aforementioned challenges perceived by people and their daily lives? What is seen as a positive development and what improvements could be made from their perspectives? What might even be considered a major setback?

“Vielförmig” addresses these questions within a series of zines and forms a thesis advocating the diversity in our society and raising visibility. Each individual edition first invites the viewer on one person’s personal journey and then unfolds into illustrations, designed to support and further explore each topic. The individuals who form our society are given a voice to make themselves and their life’s story heard.

Concept, Editorial & Illustration by Sandra Rothenberg
Pictures by Jören Zimmermann

Vielförmig — zines about diversity 2
Source: Jören Zimmermann. License: All Rights Reserved.
Vielförmig — zines about diversity 3
Source: Jören Zimmermann. License: All Rights Reserved.
Vielförmig — zines about diversity 4
License: All Rights Reserved.
Vielförmig — zines about diversity 5
Source: Jören Zimmermann. License: All Rights Reserved.

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