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Georg Kalb Fuhrwerkbesitzer invoice, 1920

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Mar 12th, 2018. Artwork published in
circa 1920
Georg Kalb Fuhrwerkbesitzer invoice, 1920
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “mars”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Invoice from a hauling company in Nürnberg-Erlenstegen, issued in July 1920 to Herrn Göselt, a local merchant (Kaufmann dahier) for carting six stere (Steer) of wood for Zeltner — possibly the local brewery of the same name?

The typography uses both weights of Mars, a so-called neudeutsche Schrift from the Jugendstil period that brings together elements of blackletter and roman type. Designed by Albert Auspurg, Mars and its bold companion were issued by the A.-G. für Schriftgießerei und Maschinenbau in Offenbach in 1906 and 1909, respectively.

In 1939, Georg Kalb had a tragic accident and crashed his wagon into the Pegnitz river. After his death, his brother — who, oddly enough, was named Georg as well — continued the hauling business. Georg Kalb (1870–1941), who may have been this brother or yet another family member with the same name, was the landlord of the Kalbsgarten. This popular countryside inn existed until 1969, see a picture from 1911 and the address on Google Street View.




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