Wayfinding and branding by Re B (Reto Bürkli) and Büro 4 for an office building with two entrances: Ankerstrasse 112 and Bäckerstrasse 52 in Zürich, Switzerland.
Most of the wayfinding happens on and around the exterior of the renovated building: from stylish wayfinding panels, set in Typotheque's Jigsaw and Jigsaw Stencilto large pretzels and anchors, referencing the addresses adorning the the entrances on wall and pavement. Inside the building, Jigsaw Stencil’s light weight helps visitors find their way, assisted by another small set of symbols that match the typography.
The signage panels outside look simple but classy on first sight, but on a closer look they may be as complex as one can get in wayfinding in respect to technique (embossing, debossing, panel-on-panel, vinyl lettering) and in logical thinking (different colours + technique + icon for each of the two entrances).