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Contributed by Justine Braisted on Dec 13th, 2018. Artwork published in
November 2018
    Thoughtforms 1
    License: All Rights Reserved.

    Thoughtforms is a publication produced for Micah Walter Studio. This first issue is a collection of essays written by creative technologists and museum professionals working at the intersection of art and technology. It explores a variety of topics including virtual and augmented reality in museums, thoughts around data as a medium, and the consideration of social media photography as collections object. Essay contributions are from Chad Weinard, Bika Rebek, Kajsa Hartig, Armado Somoza, Chenits Pettigrew, Liz Neely, Richard The, Frédéric Eyl, Shelley Bernstein, Mandy Mandelstein, and Koven Smith. All of the images in this publication are in the public domain and available through museum open access initiatives.

    Thoughtforms 2
    License: All Rights Reserved.
    Thoughtforms 3
    License: All Rights Reserved.
    Thoughtforms 4
    License: All Rights Reserved.
    Thoughtforms 5
    License: All Rights Reserved.
    Thoughtforms 6
    License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Px Grotesk




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