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Banque Richelieu

Contributed by Vassil Kateliev on Mar 30th, 2019. Artwork published in
circa 2018
Banque Richelieu 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Branding and identity of Banque Richelieu, a private banking and asset management platform that brings together Banque Richelieu France, Banque Richelieu Monaco and Richelieu Gestion.

The logo consists of a monogram and word mark made with Sybilla, paired with a handwritten line saying “L’esprit de conquête” (The spirit of conquest). The individual banks use the same word mark, with addition of the location name set in Libre Franklin, Pablo Impallari’s version of Franklin Gothic. The overlying bank and the individual banks all have their own website based on the same template, again using Sybilla and Libre Franklin. On the four websites of he bank, financial and explanatory documents can be downloaded, which is the point where the consistent branding ends, and where different designs with different system fonts take over.

Banque Richelieu 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Banque Richelieu 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Banque Richelieu 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.



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