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27 Caracteres website

Contributed by Aki Guerineau on Apr 11th, 2019. Artwork published in
April 2019
Presenting Mosonyi-Demo.
Source: 27©. License: All Rights Reserved.

Presenting Mosonyi-Demo.

27 Caracteres. A Font Foundry Made By Students In Argentina

27 Caracteres is a type foundry born at the UBA Type Master’s Degree in Buenos Aires. We’ve built a new site to showcase the typefaces we’ve worked on throughout the Master’s and have very recently published it alongside one of our fonts, Mosonyi-Demo.

The site’s design was led by Yorlmar Campos, Martín Sesto, Catriel Romero & Aki Guerineau and built using Emil Olsson’s Hi-Response WordPress Template. We’ve incorporated IBM Plex Mono (Regular & Bold) for titles and used Fira Sans for running text, both served by Google Fonts. Layouts have been kept simple throughout the site; we’re using a four-column grid for desktop views that breaks down into two in mobile view. We’ve also used IBM Plex Mono on our desktop and mobile browser mock ups: open new tab (+), close tab (×), back & forward arrows and refresh buttons have all been dug out from Plex’s extensive character set.

Designed by Yorlmar Campos, a Venezuelan Architect turned type-designer who currently works and lives in Buenos Aires, Mosonyi is a four-style type family supporting the Yaruro language including its multiple stacked diacritics, but for its free release via 27 Caracteres, Mosonyi has been stripped down to its bare bones: a regular weight supporting a basic character set.

The site is currently hosting typefaces designed during the 2015–2017 UBA Type Master’s Program (headed at the time by Rubén Fontana who now is retired) and will be updated as students develop their projects.

Our site. Desktop & mobile views.
Source: 27©. License: All Rights Reserved.

Our site. Desktop & mobile views.

Who we are.
Source: 27©. License: All Rights Reserved.

Who we are.

Blog post. Three of our typefaces, Anabella©, Chucky© & Mosonyi© awarded by Tipos Latinos 2018.
Source: 27©. License: All Rights Reserved.

Blog post. Three of our typefaces, Anabella©, Chucky© & Mosonyi© awarded by Tipos Latinos 2018.

Our type tester (Fontsampler by Underscore).
Source: 27©. License: All Rights Reserved.

Our type tester (Fontsampler by Underscore).

Ongoing projects: Anabella© by Martín Sesto and Chucky© by Candela Caudana.
Source: 27©. License: All Rights Reserved.

Ongoing projects: Anabella© by Martín Sesto and Chucky© by Candela Caudana.

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