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Nuit Debout Grenoble

Contributed by Enfant Terrible on May 27th, 2019. Artwork published in
March 2016
Nuit Debout Grenoble 1
Source: Enfant Terrible. License: All Rights Reserved.

Nuit Debout is a French social movement that has been compared to the Occupy movement in the United States. During the protests in Grenoble in 2016, we spontaneously set up a slogan creation and signage workshop. It aimed to provide a simple and democratic emergency tool to facilitate the expression and writing of militant speech.

On site, the two alphabet sets with caps from Univers (in 50 and 80pt) were also used to print ephemeral signs intended to indicate the different spaces, workshops or animations present during the occupation. The stamps were made from gym mats laminated on cardboard.

Nuit Debout Grenoble 2
Source: Enfant Terrible. License: All Rights Reserved.
Nuit Debout Grenoble 3
Source: Enfant Terrible. License: All Rights Reserved.
Nuit Debout Grenoble 4
Source: Enfant Terrible. License: All Rights Reserved.




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