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Deutsche Prosa. Erzählungen seit 1945, dtv

Photo(s) by Dan Reynolds. Imported from Flickr on Apr 11, 2020. Artwork published in .
Deutsche Prosa. Erzählungen seit 1945, dtv
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Dan Reynolds and tagged with “akzidenzgrotesk”. License: All Rights Reserved.

I found this book on the street a few years ago. It was edited by Horst Bingel and published by the Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag in November 1965 (another publisher brought the text out originally in 1963). This is actually dtv’s 7th edition, published in December 1971. They printed this edition 70,000 copies had already been sold.

This cover was designed by Celestino Piatti. The type is Berthold’s Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold [or rather Medium, see the comments].




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2 Comments on “Deutsche Prosa. Erzählungen seit 1945, dtv”

  1. Er… rather Akzidenz-Grotesk Medium ?

  2. You’re right, Stéphane: It’s AG halbfett AKA Medium.

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