Source: to Flickr by Étienne Pouvreau and tagged with “annonce”. License: CC BY.
All-lowercase Annonce / Aurora-Grotesk V for the cover and title page of a French edition of Babbit, the satirical novel about American culture and society by Sinclair Lewis, first published by Harcourt, Brace & Co. in 1922. Translated by Maurice Rémon, with a foreword by Paul Morand.
This book – the 68th title produced by the Club des Éditeurs, 33, rue de Poissy in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, with the agreement of Éditions Stock – was completed on May 14, 1958 on the presses of Imprimerie Mame in Tours.It was […] designed by Jacques Darche, with assistance from Michel Muguet.Photographic documents were provided by U.S.I.S.Printed in a limited number of subscription copies, this edition was exclusively reserved for members of the Club des Éditeurs.It comprises 26 copies marked A to Z; 150 copies numbered I to CL, intended for employees; and 8,500 copies numbered 1 to 8,500. This is copy n° 5,796.
Source: to Flickr by Étienne Pouvreau and tagged with “annonce”. License: CC BY.
2 Comments on “Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis (Club des Éditeurs)”
There’s also the italic on the title page, which looks a little bit like Century Schoolbook…
That’s right, Stéphane! Unfortunately, I don’t have a better ID right now than “similar to Century Schoolbook”.