Aquilino Gioielli, Bari Photo(s) by Valentina Nitti. Imported from Flickr on Aug 4, 2020. Like1Add to Set Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Valentina Nitti and tagged with “stop”. License: All Rights Reserved. Stop spotted in use for the shop sign of Aquilino Gioielli, a jeweller in Bari, Italy. Once more, Aldo Novarese’s iconic letterforms have been customized: U, N, and, most notably, L were made wider, and the overall weight seems lighter. The company was started by Francesco Aquilino in Castellana in 1860. In 1910, his two sons moved the business to Bari. Typefaces More about StopGet Stop Formats Signs (1388) Topics Retail/Shopping (674) Lifestyle (925) Tagged withcustom Stop (11)modified typeface (1144)jewelry (45)shop fronts (269)mounted architectural letters (118)3-dimensional (159)all caps (4046)dotted I (33)Italian (language) (308) Artwork location Italy (546) Bari (2) In Sets Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Stop in use Friseur Perfektc. 2019Photo(s) by Jürgen Siebert on Flickr.More about StopGet StopMore about MyriadGet MyriadMore about John HandyGet John Handy MUFON UFO Symposium brochures, 1977–1979c. 1977unknownContributed by Jack GrimesMore about HelveticaGet HelveticaMore about CarouselGet CarouselMore about StopGet Stop Maxi-Movers Chem-TainerPhoto(s) by Miguel Sousa on Flickr.More about StopGet StopMore about Motter TekturaGet Motter TekturaMore about EurostileGet Eurostile Sponsor More in Retail/Shopping Minju Kim website2021ORKRContributed by Laura CsocsánMore about Ambiant SansGet Ambiant Sans By Humankindc. 2018XXIXContributed by Peiran Tan Staff Pick More about JannonGet Jannon Dunlopc. 2020DunlopOrangeryContributed by F37 FoundryMore about F37 JaggerGet F37 Jagger Abercrombie & Fitch website (2016)c. 2016Contributed by Ryan FernandezMore about Trade GothicGet Trade GothicMore about Monotype GaramondGet Monotype Garamond More in Signs Dar El-Nimer art spacec. 2016Studio SafarFarah FayyadContributed by 29Letters [ 29LT ]More about 29LT AzerGet 29LT AzerMore about unidentified typefaceGet unidentified typeface De Platanen, Arnhemc. 1998unknownContributed by Florian HardwigMore about EditGet Edit Boettcher, Detmoldc. 2017Photo(s) by Fritz Grögel on Flickr.More about RoburGet Robur “Sonniges Bulgarien – Ihr Urlaubsland” ad, Viennac. 1984Photo(s) by Frank Grießhammer on Flickr.More about RevueGet Revue More Fonts In Use Fondation pour la rénovation du CPMBc. 2015Chris GautschiContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick More about Suisse Int’lGet Suisse Int’l In Your Hands2019Sam BaldwinContributed by Sam Baldwin Staff Pick More about AvaraGet AvaraMore about Work SansGet Work Sans Graphics World Magazine, Nov/Dec 19881988Phil BainesContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick More about Franklin GothicGet Franklin GothicMore about Monotype BaskervilleGet Monotype BaskervilleMore about Gill SansGet Gill Sans Karel Malich: Cosmic2014Studio NajbrtAleš NajbrtContributed by Briefcase Type Foundry Staff Pick More about BC SklonarGet BC Sklonar