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Reliance Bond – A Romance of Reliability, John Dickinson & Co. Ltd brochure

Photo(s) by mikeyashworth. Imported from Flickr on Dec 3, 2020. Artwork published in
circa 1950
 is paired with  on the cover.
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by mikeyashworth and tagged with “maximilian”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Maximilian-Antiqua is paired with Monotype Baskerville on the cover.

A fine little item of ephemera this. A small brochure comprising a folded sheet of Reliance Bond paper 18×23″, 18 lbs., printed and sewn, describing the manufacturing and uses of Reliance Bond, a sulphite bond paper, made by the famous papermakers John Dickinson’s at their Croxley Mills in Watford. John Dickinson & Co Ltd were one of the best known names in Briitsh paper making and the company dated from the purchase in 1809 of their first paper mill by John Dickinson, their founder. The company prospered as Dickinson was a highly innovative engineer and was responsible for the introduction of many of the mechanised methods of paper amking that helped bring prices down and improve quality.

The company merged with Robinson’s in 1966 to form DRG but in 1989 was bought by asset strippers and split up. All the mills in Hertfordshire were closed and demolished. The famous Dickinson name and the “Lion Brand” logo seen here, have since been withdrawn although some of their retail brands, such as the famous Basildon Bond that Dickinson’s had acquired in 1918, linger on.

This pamphlet is not dated but feels mid-1950s and no printer is given. However, the cover page uses a fine border and the titling is in Maximilian type and it could be that the Curwen Press are responsible. The inner pages are also decorated by vignettes designed by the well-known artist and illustrator Nicholas Bentley (1907–1978) so it’s a thoughtful little production!

The interior is set in .
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by mikeyashworth and tagged with “imprint”. License: All Rights Reserved.

The interior is set in Imprint.

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