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ICTVC – against lethe…, Nicosia (CY), 4–12 June 2013

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Apr 26th, 2013. Artwork published in .
ICTVC – against lethe…, Nicosia (CY), 4–12 June 2013 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Posted as part of a little survey about websites for conferences on typography and graphic design – how do these specialist events present themselves typographically, in 2013?

The 5th International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication takes place at the University of Nicosia, and it wants to come across as academic and matter-of-fact. No dazzling banners, hardly any images. No responsiveness. Black on white, with one color for emphasis. This Helvetica feels very different than the one used for AGI Open.

The design is not adventurous, but very tidy and well-arranged. The typographic treatment of the speakers list looks dry, but it does a good job at presenting lots of information in a clear and compact way. The header graphic uses some humanist sans – maybe Myriad, but the type is almost too small to say for sure.

Webfonts: ✗
Designer credits: ✗
Typeface credits: ✗

ICTVC – against lethe…, Nicosia (CY), 4–12 June 2013 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.



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