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“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual

Contributed by Antonio de Dios on Feb 4th, 2021. Artwork published in
circa 2015
“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual 1
Source: Goñi Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.

Communication manual for the Jack Daniel’s brand in Spain, designed by Goñi Studio with the help of Quim Rodríguez for Lola Barcelona. The claim “Supporting Unique Character” uses all-caps Farnham, with a swash italic initial in the second word. The keywords/hashtags associated with the brand are set in Timmons NY.

The manifest
It’s hard being yourself: Thinking like you think, doing what you want to do. It’s hard. Every action, every word, every place, everything we choose that makes you different also makes our life more complicated. And, well it’s not that bad being someone else, just following everyone else. It’s easy. But we don’t choose easy. We choose to listen to ourselves when everyone is shouting do this, do that. We choose to do things our way. It’s not everyone else’s or the opposite. It’s just our way. It’s harder, much harder. But it has a lot more flavour. We are not crazy and we don´t want to spread the anarchy. We are not rebels. We just are the way we are and that’s what makes us originals. The world want us to follow them to a comfortable place, where everybody is. But we already have our place. And we do not follow anyone.

“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual 2
Source: Goñi Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual 3
Source: Goñi Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual 4
Source: Goñi Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual 5
Source: Goñi Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual 6
Source: Goñi Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual 7
Source: Goñi Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.




Artwork location

1 Comment on ““Supporting Unique Character”, Jack Daniel’s communication manual”

  1. In 2011, Segura Inc. / T-26 designed a series of custom fonts for Jack Daniel’s:

    The Jasper font, based on the familiar Jack Daniel’s logo lettering (and bearing Jack Daniel’s given first name). The real visual centerpiece, though, is the refined yet approachable Lynchburg Script, based on the Tennessee lettering in the label. Rounding out the set is the solid, industrious typeface named for Lem Motlow, the nephew of Jack Daniel who managed and later inherited the Distillery.

    © Segura Inc.

    These fonts don’t seem to be used or referenced in the manual shown above. While Jasper is exclusive to Jack Daniel’s, Black No.7 is a commercially available interpretation of the logo.

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