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“ATM Machine Available Inside” sign, Dillsburg

Contributed by Jack Grimes on Mar 23rd, 2021.
“ATM Machine Available Inside” sign, Dillsburg
Photo: Jack Grimes. License: All Rights Reserved.

Sign outside the U.S. Gas station in Dillsburg, PA with such a charming stack of 1970s display faces I’m more than willing to overlook the redundancy of “ATM Machine”.

The most important letters get a fancy Onyx treatment, with “MACHINE” boasting such wonderful Lack of Typographic Inspiration that I laughed walking by before snapping a photo. “Available Inside” is dressed in the always-classy ITC Tiffany.

Something is really sweet about this sign’s use of urbane, high-contrast serifs to dress up a pretty mundane message, even if its more recent unfashionability has relegated it to be stuck around the corner out of view.




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