Half Full Brewing Co is a fictional brewery created by graphic design graduate Freddie Hall. The concept for the brand emerges from the incredibly high suicide rate among men in the UK: in order to raise awareness about mental health issues, Hall played on the usual sentences that can be heard in pubs, where people can relax and often find a sense of relief after a hard day. Even though alcohol regarding mental health issues is not to be considered a solution because of the risks of alcoholism, the young designer thought of it as a way to normalize opening up about one’s own struggling. In a society where gender roles are still strong and the ideal of masculinity represses any demonstration of weakness, the way to free speech about depression is still long.
The identity created for the brewery combines three fonts. Signal Compressed from Production Type is used to set the logotype and some of the typical phrases you can hear at the bar, along with Tobias from Displaay Type Foundry. The technical info is set in Object Sans from Pangram Pangram. This trio ends up in a playful identity where types can switch and appear in speech bubbles, bringing the pun even closer to the reader and reinforcing the effect of phrases picked up from around the table.