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Centralidade Periféricas, Periferias Centrais

Contributed by Gareth Hague on Jul 7th, 2021. Artwork published in .
Centralidade Periféricas, Periferias Centrais 1
Source: Rafael Passos. License: All Rights Reserved.

From Print magazine:

This book is the result of the V Urbicentros International Seminar, in the city of João Pessoa. The event focused on meeting and reflecting among researchers who, in addition to preserving the heritage of historic centers, also address the formal, material, social, and symbolic dimensions of these spaces, in contrast to their spectacularization, cleaning and gentrification.

The design and printing process followed an aesthetic that proposes to intervene in the reading flow itself, thus reflecting the aesthetics of these peripheral spaces. The experimentalism in the compositions and color palette, using only two Pantones in printing, allowed the book to have its own identity.

Designers Neopop Imaginária picked Alias Harbour for title type, and paired it with Futura BT for headlines and another yet unidentified sans used for body text.

Centralidade Periféricas, Periferias Centrais 2
Source: Rafael Passos. License: All Rights Reserved.
Centralidade Periféricas, Periferias Centrais 3
Source: Rafael Passos. License: All Rights Reserved.
Centralidade Periféricas, Periferias Centrais 4
Source: Rafael Passos. License: All Rights Reserved.
Centralidade Periféricas, Periferias Centrais 5
Source: Rafael Passos. License: All Rights Reserved.

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