Parisian ilustrator and graphic designer Aurélien Jeanney consistently uses the couple NaN Jaune and TT Norms as the typefaces supporting his personal identity and the one of his gallery/art shop/publishing house Maison Tangible since 2018.
The couple can be seen accompanying his joyful illustrations on the front sign of his gallery, his website(s), social media, stickers, goodies… The boldness of NaN Jaune Maxi Black reinforces the playfulness and generosity of his illustrative style, the letters being used as proper illustrative, almost haptic elements while TT Norms comes as a friendly geometric counterpart remembering Jeanney’s obsession with geometric figures.
Jeanney’s use of weight could be considered as bold on bold, with the blackest style of Jaune being systematically paired with TT Norms bold or black. This might make us remember our childhood illustrated booked in the which lighter styles were scarce. Through his use of bright colors and those fonts, we can see that Jeanney is not here to pretend to be a discreet character.