Paper! Tiger! (Aurélien Farina). License: All Rights Reserved.
Pompéi is an archaeological exhibition that was shown from 1 July to 29 October 2020 at the Grand Palais, Paris:
New excavations were launched in recent years as part of a large-scale project to secure the unexcavated areas of Pompeii. Some of the extraordinary finds on exhibit, along with virtual reconstructions, are the result of this new research. This work has unearthed large, elegant homes, such as the House with Garden, with its amazing frescoes and graffiti, the House of Leda, which owes its name to a fresco depicting her erotic encounter with the swan in a sensuality that has lost none of its suggestive and provocative quality, and the House of Orion, displaying sumptuous mosaics that depict stories told about the stars. All the discoveries come to life in this immersive exhibition.