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Murder at Wrotham Hill by Diana Souhami

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Jul 18th, 2013. Artwork published in .
Murder at Wrotham Hill by Diana Souhami 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Cover design proposals by Clare Skeats.
Client: Quercus

The ominous brush script is a slightly customized Brush 738, which is Bitstream’s generic name for Bison. This typeface was originally designed in 1938 by Julius Kirn for C.E. Weber. From 1923, the Stuttgart-based foundry had a joint venture with J.D. Trennert in Altona and shared designs with them. Trennert’s version of Bison is named Blizzard. There is also a digital Blizzard from URW++: sharp-edged, a tad lighter and most notably more tightly spaced than Brush 738.

Murder at Wrotham Hill by Diana Souhami 2
Source: Clare Skeats. License: All Rights Reserved.




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