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When the Word Is Given … by Louis E. Lomax (Signet, 1964)

Photo(s) by Make It Old. Imported from Flickr on May 28, 2023. Artwork published in .
When the Word Is Given … by Louis E. Lomax (Signet, 1964)
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Make It Old and tagged with “alternategothic”. License: CC BY-NC-SA.

When the Word Is Given: A Report on Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the Black Muslim World by Louis E. Lomax was first published by World Publishing Company in 1963. This is the cover of Signet’s paperback edition from 1964. Flickr user Make It Old comments:

Cover designer isn’t credited, but I’m wondering … could it be Neil Fujita?

The typeface is Alternate Gothic, the slightly lighter cousin of Franklin Gothic Condensed with straight-sided rounds, here featuring the elusive 9-dot ellipsis.


  • Alternate Gothic




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