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Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film

Contributed by Diego Aguilar Villalobos on Mar 3rd, 2022. Artwork published in
December 2021
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 1
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro (“Attempts to fall inside”) is a Colombian experimental short film, directed by Jonas Radžiūnas. It reflects on reality and psychologically plays with perception.

    For the graphics, we made a comparison between the Rorschach test and the way the subconscious interprets the short film.

    The image references the inkblot slides of the Rorschach tests, making the interpretation of the poster subjective and plays a psychological role just like the interpretation of the film. We use a 3D technique to express the experimental and avant-garde character of the film.

    The film’s title stems from the idea of ​​exploring the subconscious as a spiral fall. To communicate this in the header, the typography was intervened by prolonging the serifs in a spiral shape.

    To support the idea of ​​the Rorschach test, we created a graphic system that works in reflection and symmetry, making reference to how the spots are built and seeking that all the elements in the graph can be reinterpreted.

    The context of the short film is marked by the social controversy brought about by the results of the 2018 presidential elections in Colombia and the feeling of uncertainty that began to generate a collective disagreement. This film seeks to question the subjective way in which we perceive life in order to incite a sociocultural change, understanding that we must let ourselves fall inside to change our context.

    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 2
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 3
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 4
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 5
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 6
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 7
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 8
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 9
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Intentos por dejarse caer dentro short film 10
    Source: Andrés Gutierrez Piñeros, Diego Aguilar Villalobos. License: All Rights Reserved.


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