American Board of Missions Almanac 1887 cover
Contributed by Eva Silvertant on Oct 4th, 2022. Artwork published in
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6 Comments on “American Board of Missions Almanac 1887 cover”
The archive of the Digital Library for International Research offers a digitized copy of the 1898 edition of this almanac: released 11 years after the edition shown above. The cover re-uses the design from 1887, but with an updated publication year, and produced “low budget”, with only two colors.
Nice addition, Matthijs! Also no money for decorative dots in C and D anymore, it seems.
I saw! I was curious if I might find the covers from other years, and post them together—but no luck. I’m assuming just the two have been digitized.
I just found Mother Hubbard presented as ‘Latin Ornamented’ in “Harrild and Sons’ New & Abridged Specimens of Wood-Letter, Corners, Borders, &ca.” (ca. 1890).
Source: Letterform Archive
Source: Letterform Archive
Good eye, Eva! Added to the typeface bio for Mother Hubbard.