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British Embassy Logos

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Nov 9th, 2013.
British Embassy Logos 1
License: All Rights Reserved.
British Embassy Logos 2
License: All Rights Reserved.
British Embassy Logos 3
License: All Rights Reserved.
British Embassy Logos 4
License: All Rights Reserved.
British Embassy Logos 5
License: All Rights Reserved.



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5 Comments on “British Embassy Logos”

  1. That’s not what they used for the lettering on the British embassy in Berlin. This style looks more like a Futura derivative:

    Lettering on the British Embassy in Berlin

  2. By the way, the United States present themselves in faux small caps from a generic grotesque:

    US Embassy Berlin
    Photo: CC Håkan Dahlström

    The French went for the quintessential French typeface — “Europe”:

    And the Dutch? Painted Arial, what else!
    Photo: © Frank Grießhammer

  3. That’s not what they used for the lettering on the British embassy in Berlin.

    I stumbled on these Dax logos in a search for something else. They seem fairly new and not universally used. Perhaps it’s a rebrand in transition.

    What a high standard that has been set by the world’s embassies!

    “Europe”? Is that a typo or joke I don’t get?

  4. In France, Deberny & Peignot possessed the rights to distribute Futura. They renamed it to Europe — according to Fernand Baudin, in order to mask its German origins.

  5. I am particularly disappointed by the Dutch embassy’s use of Arial, although the American embassy’s faux small caps come rather close. 

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