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Pulcinella by Giorgio Agamben (Russian edition by Nosorog)

Contributed by Guillaume P on Feb 23rd, 2023. Artwork published in .
Pulcinella by Giorgio Agamben (Russian edition by Nosorog) 1
Source: Nosorog. License: All Rights Reserved.

Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s book about Pulcinella, a character from the Commedia dell’arte, was originally published in 2015 under the title Pulcinella ovvero Divertimento per li regazzi in quattro scene. The English translation by Kevin Attell is titled Pulcinella: Or Entertainment for Children, published in 2019.

In 2021, Nosorog (Носорог) published the first Russian edition titled Пульчинелла, или Развлечения для детей, translated by Maria Lepilova and edited by Katya Morozova. It was designed by Valeria Stepnova together with Maxim Ploskirev, art director at Nosorog. Ploskirev comments:

Agamben explores the life, death and resurrection of the enigmatic masked character – whether man, demon or god, and the main source of his thoughts is an album of drawings by Venetian artist Giandomenico Tiepolo, who dedicated the last years of his life to the images of Pulcinella.

The book uses Apoc by Matthieu Salvaggio (Cyrillic by Ilya Ruderman and Yury Ostromentsky) and Jannon by František Štorm.

Nosorog’s title page in Russian on the right, with the original title and the logo of Italian publisher Nottetempo on the left
Source: Nosorog. License: All Rights Reserved.

Nosorog’s title page in Russian on the right, with the original title and the logo of Italian publisher Nottetempo on the left

Pulcinella by Giorgio Agamben (Russian edition by Nosorog) 3
Source: Nosorog. License: All Rights Reserved.
Pulcinella by Giorgio Agamben (Russian edition by Nosorog) 4
Source: Nosorog. License: All Rights Reserved.
Pulcinella by Giorgio Agamben (Russian edition by Nosorog) 5
Source: Nosorog. License: All Rights Reserved.
Pulcinella by Giorgio Agamben (Russian edition by Nosorog) 6
Source: Nosorog. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Apoc
  • Jannon




Artwork location

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