An independent archive of typography.

Sketch Studios

Contributed by MadeByShape on Apr 26th, 2024. Artwork published in .
Sketch Studios 1
Source: MadeByShape. License: All Rights Reserved.

MadeByShape’s rebranding for Sketch Studios leverages the distinct characteristics of two typefaces, Aeonik and Humane, to create a sleek, modern identity that resonates with creative industry professionals.

Font choices: Aeonik, known for its clean, geometric lines and versatility across various applications, brings a contemporary sharpness to the Sketch Studios brand. Its clarity and modernity make it an excellent choice for conveying professionalism and forward-thinking aesthetics.

Humane, on the other hand, adds a touch of warmth and approachability with its more rounded and humanist features. This typeface complements Aeonik by softening the overall appearance, making the brand more accessible and inviting to its audience.

This thoughtful typographic strategy not only defines the visual landscape of the brand but also supports its positioning as a leader in the creative sector. The use of these two contrasting yet harmonious fonts reflects the dynamic and innovative spirit of Sketch Studios.

Sketch Studios 2
Source: MadeByShape. License: All Rights Reserved.
Sketch Studios 3
Source: MadeByShape. License: All Rights Reserved.
Sketch Studios 4
Source: MadeByShape. License: All Rights Reserved.
Sketch Studios 5
Source: MadeByShape. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Humane
  • Aeonik




Artwork location

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