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Content Credentials

Contributed by Store Norske Skriftkompani on Jun 10th, 2024. Artwork published in .
Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.

AREA 17 has designed the brand strategy, content strategy, and brand identity of Content Credentials by the Content Authenticity Initiative. CAI is a community of technology, publishing, and creative companies restoring transparency of content on the internet. They use the Regular, Medium and Bold weight of Store Norske Ja, from Skriftkompani.

AREA 17 describe their process like this:

To fulfill their mission, they had to make their offer and open-source technology and methods understandable to the world.

This was critical ahead of launching their most revolutionary open-source technology, Content Credentials so that the value of authenticity and data provenance was easy to understand for consumers and partners alike. The launch was especially relevant leading up to the 2024 election when AI, deep fakes, and other misinformation are prevalent.

AREA 17 defined the brand strategy, content strategy, and brand identity to clarify value proposition, audience, messaging, and relationships across Adobe, CAI, the C2PA open technical specification, Content Credentials, and CAI open-source tools and Verify tooling.

Content Credentials 2
Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.
Content Credentials 3
Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.
Content Credentials 8
Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.
Content Credentials 9
Source: AREA 17. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Store Norske Ja




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