Description of the project by The G(u)ardeners, a collective of artists, therapists, teachers and entrepreneurs:
On the Planet where Lily, Iris and Ben are living, the mechanics of life go smoothly.
The Government takes care of everything and the Citizens just have to be happy.
In this comfortable society, it is nevertheless better to avoid asking too many questions.
On this planet where books speak, where elephants fly,
Where we can sink into the tar and disappear forever,
Where the pieces of hearts are shattered,
Where you can wash your brain or grill on the spot,
Where wrinkles are forbidden and trees are dangerous,
Some Citizens have decided to disobey and listen to their Cord.
Located in their chest, he is the main enemy of the power in place.
Everything is done to silence and forget him.
By following him, he will lead them to their truth, at the cost of all dangers.
The Quest, Vol. I is an imaginary novel written by therapist, teacher and writer Natacha Pincemaille-Neveu and published in spring 2022. The book is available at The G(u)ardeners. To design this book, Atelier Nom Commun (Maya Cunat and Quentin Gaudry) used Henry designed by Matthieu Cortat and distributed by 205TF.