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Toshiki Kadomatsu – “Friday to Sunday” single cover

Contributed by MrRifleman on Sep 22nd, 2024. Artwork published in
April 1982
Toshiki Kadomatsu – “Friday to Sunday” single cover 1
MartyMcflies. License: All Rights Reserved.

This is the single by Japanese singer-songwriter Toshiki Kadomatsu titled “Friday to Sunday”. The coupling song is “I’ll Call You” which only exists in this single. The song title is set in ITC Machine and was edited to make the text striped. The artist’s name above is set in ITC Serif Gothic with alternate characters being used such as the letter k and a. Lastly, the text below the song title is set in a lightweight variant of Futura.

The typefaces mentioned in this use except Futura are also used at the front cover of his studio album Weekend Fly to the Sun. The photography is credited to Kiyomi Kaneko. Kuniyoshi Ukita provided the art direction.

[More info on Discogs]

A 1972 promotional brochure for ITC Serif Gothic & Bold, showing the alternate glyphs k and a which were used in the single cover.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

A 1972 promotional brochure for ITC Serif Gothic & Bold, showing the alternate glyphs k and a which were used in the single cover.


  • ITC Machine
  • ITC Serif Gothic
  • Futura




Artwork location

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