Orbi was a short-lived multimedia platform active between 2022 and 2023. Owned by Grupo Bandeirantes, it originally focused exclusively on the city of São Paulo (Brasil), sharing news about local events and personalities in digital and physical formats.
Its offerings included a free weekly newspaper distributed at major intersections, a news website with cultural programming, a YouTube channel featuring special reports, social media with interactive content, and live events.
For the headline and titling typeface, in-house art director Cleber Machado chose Naipe Foundry’sPacaembu, citing that the typeface’s research and origins – São Paulo’s most iconic stadium – aligned perfectly with their goal to represent São Paulo’s heritage and identity. The Orbi logo appears to be a custom design.
The running text is set in Carol Twombly’s Chaparralwhile captions and other small texts are set in Jeremy Tribby’s Barlow, published through Google Fonts.
In late 2022, Orbi started offering versions for the ABC Paulista (Greater São Paulo Area) and Belo Horizonte, capital city of the Minas Gerais State, all sharing the same visual identity.