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Kontinent der Individualisierung

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Jun 10th, 2015. Artwork published in
circa 2010
Kontinent der Individualisierung 1
Source: Christian Mariacher. License: All Rights Reserved.

“Continent of Individualization” maps education-related terms like talent, achievement, challenge, or homework. There is Love of Learning, an island within the Sea of Life, in close proximity to the Trench of Agony, but also warmed by the Stream of Acknowledgement and Feedback.

Idea by Dr. Michael Schratz, educational researcher and professor of Education at the University of Innsbruck. Graphic design by Atelier Christian Mariacher, using Roman, Italic and Small Caps styles of Dolly, demonstrating that a skilled typographer doesn’t necessarily need more than three styles to establish a nuanced hierarchy.

Kontinent der Individualisierung 2
Source: Christian Mariacher. License: All Rights Reserved.
Kontinent der Individualisierung 3
Source: Christian Mariacher. License: All Rights Reserved.




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