Created by Adria Tana Ferrer
Contributed by Andrei Robu
Contributed by TYPE.WELTKERN®
Contributed by MA-MA Type
Contributed by Mark van Leeuwen
Contributed by Out of the Dark
Contributed by 205TF
Contributed by Ivo Gabrowitsch
Contributed by Yevgeniy Anfalov
Contributed by Erkin Karamemet
Contributed by Fabio Furlani
Contributed by Drew Powers
Contributed by Lucas Le Bihan
Contributed by Elizabeth Goodspeed
Contributed by Margot Lévêque
Contributed by SM Foundry
Contributed by R-Typography
Contributed by Edition Schrift
Contributed by Gor Jihanian
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Jamie Otelsberg (OH no Type Co.)
Contributed by Constança Amador
Contributed by Stephen Coles
Contributed by Daria Cohen
Contributed by David Jonathan Ross
Contributed by Florian Hardwig