Designed by Olle Eksell in 1962. Digitized and expanded by Göran Söderström in 2015. Comes in three optical sizes and a Stencil cut. Extended with support for Cyrillic (by Krista Radoeva) and Greek (by George Triantafyllakos) in Jan. 2022.
Contributed by Onno Hesselink
Contributed by GRUND
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by TYPE.WELTKERN®
Contributed by Alina Shupikov
Contributed by George Triantafyllakos
Photo(s) by Joe Clark on Flickr.
Contributed by Letters from Sweden
Contributed by Radek Kocjan
Contributed by Florencia Viadana
Contributed by Love Lagerkvist
Contributed by Village