Incidentally, it had a sister magazine, Comicscene, which had an almost identical design. I never read Mediascene, but I remember ads for it in Comicscene.
That should be Comixscene, which was the original name of this magazine when it debuted in late 1972. The name was changed to Mediascene about a year or so later. My memory was a little mixed up. I was reading Mediascene in the late seventies and there were ads in it for back issues of Comixscene, which is probably what I was remembering.
4 Comments on “Mediascene #36”
The logo is likely hand lettered.
It seems to be based on Folio with the alternate unicase ‘e’, and a custom ‘a’. See also the Landmark Center sign.
I agree with Stephen.
Incidentally, it had a sister magazine, Comicscene, which had an almost identical design. I never read Mediascene, but I remember ads for it in Comicscene.
That should be Comixscene, which was the original name of this magazine when it debuted in late 1972. The name was changed to Mediascene about a year or so later. My memory was a little mixed up. I was reading Mediascene in the late seventies and there were ads in it for back issues of Comixscene, which is probably what I was remembering.