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Theoriearbeit in der Politikwissenschaft

Contributed by Willerstorfer Font Foundry on Nov 20th, 2015. Artwork published in .
    Cover of the book Theoriearbeit in der Politikwissenschaft (Academic Writing in Political Science).
    Source: Photo: Willerstorfer Font Foundry. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Cover of the book Theoriearbeit in der Politikwissenschaft (Academic Writing in Political Science).

    The Viennese publishing house facultas.wuv uses two italic weights of Acorde as the main dynamic visual element on the cover of one of their publications, a reference book of political science. The publication, entitled Theoriearbeit in der Politikwissenschaft (Academic Writing in Political Science) addresses the demands of students in political science doing their master’s studies. The book cover was designed by Austrian designer Martin Tiefenthaler.

    The italic styles of Acorde establish a dynamic contrast to the static photograph.
    Source: Photo: Willerstorfer Font Foundry. License: All Rights Reserved.

    The italic styles of Acorde establish a dynamic contrast to the static photograph.


    • Acorde




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