Photo(s) by See-ming Lee. Imported from Flickr on Jan 9, 2012.
Source: and tagged by “See-ming Lee” on Flickr. License: CC BY-SA. The Fall 2009 Emerging Artists Show September 25 – October 28, 2009 Opening Reception Friday September 25, 2009, 5–9pm On view: Mon-Fri 1–6p and by Appointment RABBITHOLESTUDIO is pleased to present Underground: the Fall 2009 Emerging Artists Show, featuring the work of 16 new talents across a diverse range of painting, drawing, photography and mixed media. Explored are the layers beneath the physical and non-physical surface, the porous, unpredictable home of ontological curiosity, dark visions and fragments of the unconscious. + Louise Barry + Lindsay Chandler + Carrie Christian + Lindsay Comstock + Heather Culp + Amanda Dandeneau + Michael Dickey + Samantha French + Jae Kyung Kim + Caroline McAuliffe + Rachel Meuler + Jungmin Park + R Wayne Reynolds + Yunfan Sun + Margaret Inga Wiatrowski + Joshua Zucker-Pluda