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Next Expérience

Contributed by Luzi Type on Jul 7th, 2016. Artwork published in
circa February 2016

    The Montréal based studio Nouvelle Administration (Éloïse Deschamps and Martin Poirier) created a multiplatform campaign and stage production for Next Expérience, a series of art and business conferences presented by Infopresse.

    Next Expérience 1
    Source: Photos: Oumayma Tanfous and Triptych. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Next Expérience 4
    Source: Photos: Oumayma Tanfous and Triptych. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Next Expérience 2
    Source: Photos: Oumayma Tanfous and Triptych. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Next Expérience 3
    Source: Photos: Oumayma Tanfous and Triptych. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Next Expérience 8
    Source: Photos: Oumayma Tanfous and Triptych. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Next Expérience 9
    Source: Photos: Oumayma Tanfous and Triptych. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Next Expérience 7
    Source: Photos: Oumayma Tanfous and Triptych. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Messina Sans
    • Messina Serif




    Artwork location

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